Our role in planning for Open Space & Mountain Park lands just west of town...

1. Learning the interests of those who live near Open Space
2. Bringing those interets to the planning process
3. Searching for mutually beneficial solutions

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Preliminary agreements

The Community Collaborative Group (CCG) has finally negotiated a draft agreement regarding trails and the management of the West TSA. The document will be posted on the OSMP web site November 29, 2010. We will post a link to it then. This agreement will be explained and public input will be sought at an Open House on Monday, December 6, 2010, 6pm to 9pm, at the East Boulder Recreation Center. More information on the agreement and Open House will be posted on the OSMP CCG website.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Anemone trail before the fire

The Anemone trail starts in the Red Rocks area and heads West. An undesignated trail extends beyond the Anemone trail following the prominent ridge in the area. There is a proposal before the CCG that this trail become a designated trail. The map below shows the trail under consideration - it roughly parallels the dashed red line. Click on any image to see a larger version.

The start of this trail climbs up to the top of the ridge. This is right in the heart of the burned area.

Towards the top of the ridge there are a few piles of quartz, apparently created as diversions.

This is an interesting trail that winds along the ridge cutting through a few rock outcrops.

The trail goes through some open areas with nice views.

Signs of an old fire.
And the persistence of nature.

Heading back East, a view of Dome rock where the fire started.

At one point the trail splits and and goes along both sides of the ridge (see map). This is the Southern side.